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AngryBirds Seasons: “Ham’O’ween” Disponible Ya Para Descargar

Ya les habíamos dicho que esta versión estaba por llegar, pues finalmente ya la puedes descargar para tu iOS devine o tu Android Device.

Informacion desde el App Store iOS:

It was a dark and stormy night… but that won’t stop the Angry Birds! Pursue the pigs through 30 levels filled with pumpkin patches, exploding jack-o-lanterns, and creepy skeletons, lit by a full moon and eerie lantern light. You’ll get some unexpected help from a BRAND NEW BIRD – he starts out small, but don’t let his looks fool you! Complete all the levels to find some special tricks and treats!

In addition, the Mighty Eagle is now available for Seasons! This in-app purchase lets you use the Mighty Eagle to destroy difficult levels and collect special achievements.

This year’s Halloween episode marks a year of great Angry Birds Seasons episodes, but we’re not done yet! Download now to get access to 205 great levels!

Descarga AngryBirds Seasons: “Ham’O’ween [iPhone + iPod Touch] [iPad] [Android]

Fundador y Editor en Jefe de EsMaNdAu.Com. No sigue las tendencias, sigue su instinto. Fanático de los Gadgets, le encanta el mercado móvil. Fiel creyente de que para crear un buen Software tienes que crear tu mismo el Hardware. Me encuentras en las redes sociales como @J0sueDaniel.