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El cable Lightning de Apple tiene 4 chips integrados

Chipworks, la misma compañia que nos presento como realmente es  por dentro el chip A6 de Apple, ahora decidio mirar de cerca el cable Lightning.

En la busqueda se encontró que el cable tiene 4 chips integrados dentro de si, dos de ellos son un par de transitores, el tercero es un NXP NX20P3 y el cuarto es un chip TI marcado como “BQ2025”. El chip TI aparenta ser el que se comunica por serial con algunas especificaciones de seguridad.

Previously, we have analyzed security devices regarding medical printer media (armbands), printer cartridges, flash drive memory, batteries, and smart cards, but this is the first secure cable we have seen. The security does not come close to the herculean approaches that are used in (for example) today’s printer cartridges, but resembles the level of effort that cartridge manufacturers used to implement in the olden days. This is likely a calculated decision by Apple to keep costs to a minimum knowing that their core customer base prefers to shop in Apple stores or for brand name peripherals. In these places, piracy is not a concern. In other words, at this time the security is “just enough.” With future generations of Apple and non-Apple products, we may begin to see even stronger security and control if the market forces merit it.

Uno de estos chips son de seguridad para evitar que manufactureros repliquen el cable. Pero un reciente reporte muestra que ya esta seguridad ha sido pasada por alto, permitiendo que un manufacturero creara un cable genérico.

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