Nintendo va por todo en el 2017 con su nueva consola, el Nintendo Switch y aunque seguramente veremos muy buenos juegos de parte de la compañía japonesa, la misma también está trabajando para llamar la atención de otras casas desarrolladoras. En el pasado, hemos escuchado a Bethesda hablar sobre el Switch pero ahora le toca el turno a EA Games:
Nintendo has always been and will always be an very important partner in this industry. They have some of the best first party development studios in the world, and some of the most valuable intellectual properties in the world. We have announced publicly that we got a partnership with them on their new platform, the Switch, we haven’t talked in detail on what’s that about. You can imagine, as you heard, that a major game will be distributed on that platform.
We’re huge fans. We have a relationship that goes many decades back. They’ve had some difficult times as if recently obviously, but never, ever, ever discount Nintendo in this marketplace, and their ability to leverage their superb game development opportunities. Their intellectual properties, whether it’s Mario, whether it’s Zelda, whether it’s Metroid Prime, we could go on forever about what they can do… obviously Pokémon, we’ve seen more recently.
We’re gonna watch with interest and you can rest assured that EA, just like every major publisher, is in regular conversations with Nintendo.
EA confirmó en sus declaraciones que lanzarán un “gran juego” para el Switch y que son “fans” de la misma, lo que revela que el Switch le ha llamado la atención. Todavía no sabemos cuál juego será así que seguiremos pendientes.