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Apple envía aviso para dar baja con website de iPhone 5 Mod Kit

Hace unos días comenzó un website a vender unos kits con los cuales podrias convertir tu iPhone 4S en un iPhone 5 acuerdo con los diseños filtrados en los pasados meses. A esta pagina de internet Apple le ha enviado una nota dando un ultimátum para dar de baja el mismo y prohibir las ventas.

El kit que se vendia contaba con el diseño que ya todos han podido ver con los 2 tonos tanto en blanco como en negro. Si eres de los que dudaba que este podria ser el diseño final pues esto puede convencerte de que si lo es… Aún yo tengo mis resistencias.

Aún asi con todo y aviso la pagina dice estara tomando ordenes por las proximas 48 horas.

Pagina: iPhone5Mod

Via –

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We are authorized to send notice and takedowns on behalf of Apple Inc. (“Apple”), the owner of the federally registered Apple logo trademark (among others) hereinafter referred to as the Apple Trademark(s).

We are writing to request your assistance with a website hosted by xxx INC that is violating Apple’s intellectual property rights.

The website,, is offering for sale and selling merchandise bearing counterfeit Apple trademark(s). Such illegal use of Apple Trademark(s) is a violation of federal and State trademark laws.

Pursuant to xxx INC’s policies and the requirements of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”),[1] please note the following:

1. Signature of the undersigned is set forth below.

2. The website,, is offering for sale counterfeit Apple merchandise. The offer for sale and the sale of counterfeit merchandise is prohibited by law, including, but not limited to, 15 U.S.C. § 1114 et seq. and 18 U.S.C. § 2320.

3. xxx INC’s servers will be able to accurately locate the infringing content at:

4. This company’s physical address is:

Huaqiang Electron World Zhenzhong Road Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong China‎

You may contact our office through email at

5. and 6. I state UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that I am the Account Manager at OpSec Security Inc., the agent authorized to send notice and takedowns on behalf of Apple, the owner of certain intellectual property rights. I have a good faith belief that the website,, offers items that are not authorized by Apple, its agent, or the law, and therefore infringe Apple’s rights.

The information in this notice is accurate. Please act expeditiously to have the infringing items removed from the website.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation, and we await a response from you or your counsel.

Fundador y Editor en Jefe de EsMaNdAu.Com. No sigue las tendencias, sigue su instinto. Fanático de los Gadgets, le encanta el mercado móvil. Fiel creyente de que para crear un buen Software tienes que crear tu mismo el Hardware. Me encuentras en las redes sociales como @J0sueDaniel.