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Steve Jobs quería re-inventar 3 cosas mas, libros, televisión y fotografía

Habian 3 cosas en la mente de Steve Jobs que el quería reintentar en el futuro, acuerdo con una entrevista del New York Times con Walter Isaacson quien escribió la biografía de Steve Jobs. Esas 3 cosas eran la televisión, los libros de texto y la fotografia.

When he discusses his future, what were the next products he was planning?
He had three things that he wanted to reinvent: the television, textbooks and photography. He really wanted to take these on. I didn’t go into details about these products in the book because it was implicitly Apple’s creations and it’s not fair to the company to reveal these details. But, he did talk about the television. He told me he’d “licked it” and once said, “There’s no reason you should have all these complicated remote controls.”

Fuerte no….

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