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T-Mobile: “Ha sido decisión de Apple que nosotros no tengamos el iPhone”

En un comunicado ayer, Andrew Sherrard “Vice Presidente Senior” de Marketing para T-Mobile USA culpo a Apple por la falta del iPhone en la red de T-Mobile. Dice que Apple no ha querido crear equipos compatibles con las necesidades para operar en su red 3G y 4G.

T-Mobile thinks the iPhone is a good device and we’ve expressed our interest to Apple to offer it to our customers. Ultimately, it is Apple’s decision. The issue remains that Apple has not developed a version of the iPhone with technology that works on our fast 3G and 4G networks. We believe a capable version of the iPhone for our 3G and 4G networks would offer an additional compelling option for our customers on a fast 4G network. However, the iPhone is not the only option to experience the benefit that smartphones offer.

Esperemos a que culmine la política d ella adquisición de AT&T a T-Mobile USA. Quizás luego de esto se decida Apple.

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