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Google Reader a ser integrado a Google+

Una de los productos de Google y en mi opinión la primera que debió ser incluido desde día 0 a Google+ es Google Reader.

Aquí en EsMaNdAu y como en muchos blog dedicado a noticias o que viven del compartir su contenido vía RSS feeds es un “must-have” y un producto como Google Reader es el “nirvana” en este aspecto.

Pero por desgracia Reader fue el principal ausente para el lanzamiento de la red social de Google, obligando a muchos a tener que manualmente publicar a través de Google+, pero según un anuncio del blog oficial de Google, ya la espera terminará

Las novedades de Google Reader incluyen un nuevo diseño y el retiro de las características como friending, a raíz de blogs y compartir enlace dentro del lector, que será sustituido por Google +.

Upcoming changes to Reader: a new look, new Google+ features, and some clean-up

Posted by Alan Green, Software Engineer

In the next week, we’ll be making some highly requested changes to Google Reader. First, we’re going to introduce a brand new design (like many of Google’s other products) that we hope you love. Second, we’re going to bring Reader and Google+ closer together, so you can share the best of your feeds with just the right circles.

As a result of these changes, we also think it’s important to clean things up a bit. Many of Reader’s social features will soon be available via Google+, so in a week’s time we’ll be retiring things like friending, following and shared link blogs inside of Reader.

We think the end result is better than what’s available today, and you can sign up for Google+ right now to start prepping Reader-specific circles. We recognize, however, that some of you may feel like the product is no longer for you. That’s why we will also be extending Reader’s subscription export feature to include the following items. Your data belongs to you, after all, and we want to make sure you can take it with you.

  • Your subscriptions
  • Your shared items
  • Your friends
  • Your likes
  • Your starred items

Like always, the new Google Reader will be a great place to read and share your feeds. And in addition to Google+, you’ll still be able to share to almost any service using Send To. We’re looking forward to launching the new features very soon.

Los cambios de lleno vendrían para la semana entrante.

Amante de la Tecnología, Blogging, Música y del Vacilón. Fanático de Linux, Ingeniero, Critico Tecnológico, Humano. "Tantas cosas por las que la gente trolea y a sabiendas que la vida es una, prefiero dejarlos como locos."