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Kinect Para Windows Anunciado por Microsoft

Microsof ha anunciado la version del SDK de Kinect para Windows. Esta version estará disponible en Primavera, aquellos desarrolladores interesados pueden comenzar a suscribirse aqui a traves de la pagina de research de Microsoft.

El SDK de Kinect para Windows cuenta con:

  • The latest advances in audio processing, which include a four-element microphone array with sophisticated acoustic noise and echo cancellation for crystal clear audio.
  • Sound source localization for beam forming, which enables the determination of a sound’s spatial location, enhancing reliability when integrated with the Microsoft speech recognition API.
  • Depth data, which provides the distance of an object from the Kinect camera, as well as the raw audio and image data, which together open up opportunities for creating richer natural user interface experiences.
  • Highly performant and robust skeletal tracking capabilities for determining the body positions of one or two persons moving within the Kinect field of view.
  • Documentation for the APIs and a description of the SDK architecture.
  • Sample code that demonstrates how to use the functionality in the SDK.

Todos sabemos lo importante que ha sido el Kinect en la industria de los Video Juegos, aportando una nueva manera de ver las consola. Rompiendo los rector de ventas y logrando captar la atención de desarrolladores y Hackers para hacer este funcionar con PC y Mac.

Veremos que nos espera en el futuro con Kinect para Windows.

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