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No Habra Soporte Para XP/Vista En Las Proximas MacBook Pro

Acuerdo con ZDNet, ya Bootcamp no estara ofreciendo soporte para los sistemas Operativos De Windows XP/Vista en las nuevas MacBook Pro’s que Apple lanzo hace varios dias.

Un documento oficial de soporte creado por Apple dice lo siguiente:

MacBook Air (Late 2010) and MacBook Pro (Early 2011) computers support 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, or Windows 7 Ultimate.

Note: Windows XP and Vista drivers are not supplied for these computers and are not supported.

Para Usar Bootcamp Con Windows En Tu Mac Necesitas Lo Siguiente:
● An optical drive (MacBook Air computers require an external optical disc drive to install Windows 7).
● A blank CD or USB storage device to contain the Windows Drivers created by the Boot Camp Assistant.
● For 32-bit versions of Windows, at least 16 GB of free space.
● For 64-bit versions of Windows, at least 20 GB of free space.
● Boot Camp Assistant, which is pre-installed in /Applications/Utilities/ .
● An authentic, 32-bit or 64-bit Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, or Ultimate disc

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