En el día de ayer, Apple liberó la versión de iOS 8.1 la cual cuenta con un sin número de funciones nuevas que no existían en la versión original. Estas funciones no deben sorprender a nadie, ya que las mismas fueron anunciadas con anticipación. Una de estas lo es Apple Pay, la nueva plataforma de pagos de Apple para comercios y el internet utilizando el Touch ID, Passbook y el NFC del iPhone 6 y iPhone 6 Plus. Otra de las nuevas funciones que llama la atención lo es la de Instant Hotspot, que permitirá que te conectes de forma automática con tu Mac por medio de Bluetooth sin poner la contraseña.
En adición a lo nuevo, esta versión promete traer mayor estabilidad en el sistema operativo en general, funciones combinadas con OS X Yosemite como Handoff y Continuity, mensajería de textos desde la Mac y el permiso para que aplicaciones de HealthKit utilicen la data en el background.
A continuación la lista oficial de Apple sobre los cambios en la nueva versión de iOS 8.1;
● This release includes new features, improvements and bug fixes, including:
● Apple Pay support for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus (U.S. only)
○ Photos includes new features, improvements and fixes
○ Adds iCloud Photo Library as a beta service
○ Adds Camera Roll album in Photos app and My Photo Stream album when iCloud Photo Library is not enabled
○ Provides alerts when running low on space before capturing Time Lapse videos
● Messages includes new features, improvements and fixes
○ Adds the ability for iPhone users to send and receive SMS and MMS text messages from their iPad and Mac
○ Resolves an issue where search would sometimes not display results
○ Fixes a bug that caused read messages to not be marked as read
○ Fixes issues with group messaging
● Resolves issues with Wi-Fi performance that could occur when connected to some base stations
● Fixes an issue that could prevent connections to Bluetooth hands-free devices
● Fixes bugs that could cause screen rotation to stop working
● Adds an option to select between 2G, 3G or LTE networks for cellular data
● Fixes an issue in Safari where videos would sometimes not play
● Adds AirDrop support for Passbook passes
● Adds an option to enable Dictation in Settings for Keyboards, separate from Siri
● Enables HealthKit apps to access data in the background
● Accessibility improvements and fixes
○ Fixes an issue that prevented Guided Access from working properly
○ Fixes a bug where VoiceOver would not work with 3rd party keyboards
○ Improves stability and audio quality when using MFi Hearing Aids with iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
○ Fixes an issue with VoiceOver where tone dialing would get stuck on a tone until dialing another number
○ Improves reliability when using handwriting, Bluetooth keyboards and Braille displays with VoiceOver
● Fixes an issue that was preventing the use of OS X Caching Server for iOS updatesSome features may not be available for all countries or all areas.
For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website:
Si deseas descargar la nueva versión, puedes hacerlo vía OTA en tu iPhone, a través de iTunes en tu Mac o PC y/o descargando el archivo directo desde Apple utilizando la herramienta de ipswdownloader.com