Aunque aquí en Puerto Rico, lamentable para muchos, T-Mobile no es lo mismo que T-Mobile USA en muchos aspectos, solo la red y algunas de las ofertas pero para nada de los servicios UnCarrier, no obstante, se conoce que últimamente John Legere, ha llevado las riendas de T-Mobile hasta en el aspecto de mercadeo, pero no se dio cuenta que afectaba a uno de sus importantes socios.
La gota ya colmó la copa para BlackBerry y en particular a su CEO, John Chen quien ha roto el silencio luego que John Legere, CEO de T-Mobile USA, tuvo que retractarse de un mercadeo que favorecía al iPhone tomando a BlackBerry como colateral.
Late last week, T-Mobile emailed an offer targeting BlackBerry users on its network asking them to switch their BlackBerry devices to a competitor’s smartphone. As we were never told of their plans in advance, I can only guess that T-Mobile thought its “great offer for BlackBerry customers” would be well received. T-Mobile could not have been more wrong.
I want to thank our loyal customers for your commitment to BlackBerry. By expressing your outrage directly to T-Mobile through tweets, calls and comments in the media and on blog posts, you sent a powerful message that T-Mobile could not ignore. Your partnership with our brand is appreciated by all of us at BlackBerry, and draws a sharp contrast with the behavior of our longtime business partner.
I can assure you that we are outraged too. What puzzles me more is that T-Mobile did not speak with us before or after they launched this clearly inappropriate and ill-conceived marketing promotion.
To the BlackBerry user community, I want to extend our deepest gratitude. Your passion motivates us every day as we navigate our turnaround. And for our loyal customers on the T-Mobile network, know that we have an offer in the works designed especially for you. Watch this space for an update very soon.
Finally, to T-Mobile, I would like to remind you that our long-standing partnership was once productive and profitable for both BlackBerry and T-Mobile. I hope we can find a way forward that allows us to serve our shared customers once again. Notwithstanding the current challenge, we remain very excited about BlackBerry’s future.
No se esperó la respuesta de T-Mobile quien indicó que ha escuchado a las quejas de usuarios de BlackBerry pero sin admitir si en efecto no dejó saber a BlackBerry de su mercadeo para mejorar las ventas del iPhone que evidencia que T-Mobile quiere hacer crecer aún más.
Se sabe que desde hace tiempo, T-Mobile es evidente que está recortando su apoyo a BlackBerry, aunque no es falso que la marca ha tenido mejores días, se ve que T-Mobile está actuando bajo presión, tanto así que desde este viernes, T-Mobile enviará libre de costo con la compra de cualquier BlackBerry.