En una buena nueva de parte del desarrollo de una de las más populares distribuciones de Linux y se trata de Ubuntu y el mismo llegará con su edición LTS (Long Term Support) para el mes entrante y en un movimiento inesperado, será el primer LTS que se le dará asistencia por los próximos 3 años.
LTS status for Ubuntu flavours
Tim darkxst at fastmail.fm
Mon Mar 17 21:06:13 UTC 2014
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-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi Steve, On 18/03/14 04:15, Steve Langasek wrote: > Hi Ali, Tim, > > As I won't be able to make the TB meeting today, I'm sending my questions > here. > > On Sat, Mar 08, 2014 at 10:06:49AM +0400, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote: > >> The Ubuntu GNOME >> Team<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/GettingInvolved/WhoWeAre>is >> proposing that the Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 release be supported for 2 years >> and 3 months as an LTS release. > > I am very concerned about this proposed support timeline. 2 years and 3 > months means that the support period would end the same month that 16.04.1 > is likely to be released. Given that our policy has been to not recommend > (or advertise in the UI) LTS upgrades until the first point release, this > effectively gives users zero margin between the dropping of security support > for Ubuntu-GNOME 14.04, and the first upgrades to Ubuntu-GNOME 16.04. Was simply not aware that upgrades aren't enabled until 16.04.1. Certainly our intention is to provide some overlap for upgrades. > > > I would not be comfortable endorsing an LTS status for a release that is not > going to provide a reasonable overlap between the LTS support periods. I > think we should regard 3 years of support as the minimum for LTS status. I did not see this written anywhere, however if that is the case then we will provide 3 years support. Thanks Tim
El pasado mensaje fue tomado del Mailing List de Ubuntu en donde un mensaje dedicado al estatus de los LTS afirmaba y confirmaba la necesidad que Ubuntu 14.04 – Trusty Tahr necesitaría soporte de al menos tres años y no de la vieja formula de 2 años a 2 años y medio.
Con esto, la versión GNOME de Trusty Tahr se debe esperar 3 años de actualizaciones de soporte y seguridad para los paquetes básicos del sistema y GNOME.