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Habran seis equipos BlackBerry 10 durante la temporada

Research In Motion confirma algunas informaciones que se estaban difundiendo de manera rumoradas y parece que la empresa ya está en las de callarlos.

Mientras Research In Motion ya ha confirmado un tour con proveedores para demostrar y orientar las capacidades del BlackBerry 10 donde debutarán dos equipo denominados Serie L y Serie N.

En un principio, RIM lanzará dos BlackBerry 10. Los dos primeros serán un dispositivo de teclado físico totalmente táctil y teclado QWERTY. Cuando se concluya la promoción inicial, RIM tiene la intención de tener un total de seis teléfonos BlackBerry 10 sumando los L y N en su alineación y tres que son la pantalla táctil y tres con los teclados físicos.

Por otro lado y de manera oficial, RIM confirma las resoluciones de las pantallas con los equipo completamente touchscreen (L) con 1280 x 720 (16:9) y con QWERTY (N) 720 x720 (1:1).

As everyone knows by now, the screen resolution on the Dev Alpha device is 1280 x 768. Let’s just go on record and confirm that this will be the screen resolution shipped with the first BlackBerry 10 full touch device.

Thorsten Heins has also gone on record letting everyone know that full touch isn’t going to be the only BlackBerry device that we produce. We are also continuing with our iconic keyboard for users like me who love typing on a physical keyboard. This new physical keyboard device will have a screen resolution of 720 x 720.

Now you may be thinking, great, you’re letting me know what the screen resolution is ahead of time, but what are you doing about making my life easier going forward?

We’ve listened, we’ve learned, and we are now telling you that moving forward new smartphones will be standardizing on the following screen resolutions which will allow you to design your applications to fit two main form factors:

  • Full touch devices: 1280 x 720 (16:9)
  • Keyboard devices: 720 x720 (1:1)

I’m pretty sure that I know what most of you are thinking: What about the first BlackBerry 10 full touch device? Why is it a different screen resolution? This first BlackBerry 10 device has been in the works for quite some time now with lots of supply chain management and manufacturing tooling to bring it to launch. So it’s pretty much a sealed deal.

This initial 1280 x 768 resolution difference from future devices typically affects those developers that are building a custom full screen UI, such as a game, for the first BlackBerry 10 device. If you are in this camp, you have a couple of options depending on your business needs:

  1. Modify your application for each resolution to make use of the full resolution of the different BlackBerry 10 device screen resolutions
  2. Consider “letter boxing” your app to 1280 x 720 on the first BlackBerry 10 device, leaving 24 pixels on both sides of the screen, so that you don’t have any changes to make on the next generation full touch screen resolution.

The fact that we are standardizing on two main screen resolutions going forward has been largely influenced by you, our community of developers. We are committed to making the BlackBerry platform the absolute best – and easiest – application platform for you develop on in order to innovate and grow your business.

 En otras palabras, las pantalla de los equipos L tendrán una resolución HD de 1280px y los N de 720px.

Amante de la Tecnología, Blogging, Música y del Vacilón. Fanático de Linux, Ingeniero, Critico Tecnológico, Humano. "Tantas cosas por las que la gente trolea y a sabiendas que la vida es una, prefiero dejarlos como locos."