Como decimos aca en Puerto Rico “Sacando el dedo malo”, Steve Jobs muestra en esta foto su lado rebelde cuando saco el dedo a el logo de IBM. Andy Hertzfeld, miembro original del grupo de desarrollo de la Apple Machintosh y diseñador detrás de los circulos de Google+, coloco una foto rara de Steve Jobs sacando el dedo a IBM.
In memoriam for Steve Jobs as 2011 draws to a close, here’s one more rare photo that illustrates his rebellious spirit. In December 1983, a few weeks before the Mac launch, we made a quick trip to New York City to meet with Newsweek, who was considering doing a cover story on the Mac. The photo was taken spontaneously as we walked around Manhattan by Jean Pigozzi, a wild French jet setter who was hanging out with us at the time. Somehow I ended up with a copy of it. My editor begged me to include it in my book, but I was too timid to ask for permission, especially since IBM was still making CPUs for Apple at the time.
Chequea la foto a continuacion…
Yo recuerdo haber hecho lo mismo un día en un viaje que hice a cupertino y visite una de las facilidades de M******* :)…