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Apple Libera OS X 10.6.8 Update

Apple por fin a liberado la versión 10.6.8 de OS X que tanto estuvo probando por varias semanas.

The 10.6.8 update is recommended for all users running Mac OS X Snow Leopard and includes general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac, including fixes that:

● Enhance the Mac App Store to get your Mac ready to upgrade to Mac OS X Lion

● Resolve an issue that may cause Preview to unexpectedly quit

● Improve support for IPv6

● Improve VPN reliability

● Identify and remove known variants of Mac Defender

Algo interesante es que esta actualización es que Apple señala que pone tu Mac lista para subir a Lion cuando salga esta, significa que OS X Lion esta pronto a salir.

Puedes bajarlo vía el “Software Update” de tu Mac OS X.

Mas información del Update aquí.

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