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Google Chrome Ya Soporta el Retina Display de la nueva Macbook Pro

Google actualizo el navegador de Mac con soporte a las nuevas Retina Display de Apple. También la nueva versión cuenta con un nuevo API de getUserMedia que permite que le des permisos a los web apps a utilizar tu Camara y Micrófono sin necesidad de ningún tipo de plugin.

The getUserMedia API also allows web apps to create awesome new experiences like Webcam Toy and Magic Xylophone. In Chrome Web Lab, if you’re on the latest version of Chrome, the Sketchbots experiment uses getUserMedia to let you take a picture of your face, which is then converted to a line drawing and sent to a robot in the Science Museum in London. The robot then draws out your portrait in a patch of sand, which you can watch live on YouTube and visitors can watch in person at the museum. It’s just about as crazy as it sounds, and twice as cool. Once you’ve taken your picture, it’s transformed into a line drawing a robot can understand using HTML5 canvas. Your portrait is then drawn by one of the eight Sketchbots in London. You can choose to be sent a video of the whole process.

Otras de las cositas incluyen integración mas profunda con Google Cloud Print y soporte expandido mas aún para los Gamepads.

Descarga el Nuevo Google Chrome Aqui.

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