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Apple a Reinicializar Los iCloud Backup en Septiembre 22

Apple anuncio mediante los foros de developers que estos estarán re-iniciando los Backups de iCloud en Septiembre 22.

iCloud Backup Reset
On Thursday, September 22, the iCloud Backup data will be reset. Backing up to iCloud or restoring from an iCloud backup will be unavailable from 9 AM PDT – 5 PM PDT. If you attempt a backup or restore during this time, you will receive an alert that the backup or restore was not successful. After this reset, you will be unable to restore from any backup created prior to September 22. A full backup will happen automatically the next time your device backs up to iCloud.

Esto significa que todos los archivos ahí existente serán borrados una vez re-iniciado el servicio. Todo parece indicar que el iOS 5 GM esta súper cerca.

Fuente: DevForums de Apple

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